Policy interventions to reduce social isolation and promote wellbeing among older people using the social web
This project investigates the potential contribution of the social web to the wellbeing of the elderly –a segment of society which has received relatively little attention by policy-oriented information society research.
Society is getting older. We are constantly being reminded that there is a crisis of aging in the world. At the same time that the population ages the number of older people living alone grows. Social isolation is emerging as one of the major problems facing society. This proposal aims to study whether there is a role for the Internet, and specifically for the social web, in the gamut of social policies and interventions employed to mitigate social isolation among elderly.
The goal is two-folded:
- to develop a policy-oriented model of social web engagement for older people that could be tested in future interventions in this area.
- to study the extent to which the social web can help to mitigate social isolation among the elderly by promoting their interpersonal relationships online.
Arantza Begueria (Universität Siegen)
Funding Body: La Caixa I l’ACUP (RECERCAIXA)
Programme: RecerCaixa 2012
Reference: 2012ACUP-00325
Principal investigators: Roser Beneito (UOC).
Start date: 2013
End date: 2016
Research Seminar: “Connected at Home: digital technologies and aging”
Los próximos días 10 y 12 de mayo se realizará el seminario de investigación “Conectados en casa: los usos de las tecnologías digitales en la vejez”, en el que se compartirá con la comunidad científica algunos de los resultados del proyecto BCONNECT@HOME
Exploring the digital and built environments of social connectedness in later life
Introduction to the project BCONNECT@HOME at the UOC Research Showcase 2019