Nairbis Sibrian Díaz, from Universidad Alberto Hurtado (Chile), is doing a predoctoral research stay with us.

Nairbis Sibrian Díaz
PhD Candidate
Universidad Alberto Hurtado (Chile)
Doctoral thesis project: “The discursive and sociomaterial construction of pregnancy Discourses and technologies that make gestation in Chile”
Tutor: Dr. Fernando Valenzuela (Universidad Alberto Hurtado)
Start of stay: 12/03/2018
End of stay: 12/06/2018
Doctor (c) in Sociology from the Alberto Hurtado University; Master in Communication and Public Policies of the University of Arts and Social Sciences, Chile; Degree in communication Social of the University of the Andes, Venezuela. Currently, dedicated to teaching and research in areas such as communication, discourse, gender, technologies of the self, subjectivity and sociology of the body. His publications are oriented to understand historical, social processes linked to gender, discourses, technologies and body, in scientific journals of Argentina, Colombia, Ecuador, Chile and Costa Rica.
The completion of a doctoral internship abroad has as a fundamental basis the obtaining and deepening of specialized knowledge in the theoretical and methodological approach of research associated with the studies of science and technology, with emphasis on its impact on care work and human life, which contribute to the development of the doctoral thesis, as well as the expansion of research and work networks that strengthen the ties of academic collaboration in matters of gender, technology and care in the region.
Given that the main focus of the doctoral research is the speeches and technologies perform pregnancy, the role of diverse actors, human and non-human in it and its reflection in care practices; the internship would help problematize and strengthen the discussion on these issues in the Latin American context, as well as identify advances in Ibero-American environment that could be replicated in the long term.
The fundamental principle of research is to follow the multiple actors that intervene in the daily life of pregnant women, whose practices are understood as assemblies of heterogeneous elements with attributions of agency and performativity.
The thesis consists of a collective case study (Stake, 2005) with ethnographic approach (Guber, 2011) which will be complemented with discourse analysis (Iñiguez-Rueda, 2003), analysis of cultural objects and materials (Hodder, 2000), narrative analysis (Lieblich et al., 1998) and network analysis or TAR (Latour, 2005). In that way, the research is a clear challenge methodological and theoretical, above all because it seeks to conceive the objects not as units created once and for all (an engine, a car or an ultrasound) but as associations of dynamic elements (Valderrama, 2004).
Specifically, a specialized methodology is required product of the assembly of various techniques and perspectives methodological, mainly qualitative, in which the Internet Interdisciplinary Institute (IN3) has vast experience, especially because it promotes research groups interdisciplinary fields between the social sciences and even engineering.
The internship will allow interaction with research groups, participation in projects, workshops and talks organized by the Internet Interdisciplinary Institute (IN3), whose members will collaborate with the design and development of the methodology of analysis of the doctoral research, considering both the technological aspects related to ICT and the Internet, as its effects on human activity.
The advance field work and the data collected previously they will allow a methodological exercise guided by a designated teacher on the Internet Interdisciplinary Institute (IN3) based on the analysis of networks and Theory Actor Network (TAR) to deepen a critical vision and their interdisciplinary nature and thereby contribute to a more rigorous analysis.
The professor who will guide the internship is Dr. Daniel López, Professor of the Department of Psychology Studies and Educational Sciences of the Open University of Catalonia, who for his trajectory in associated research projects to care and technology, as well as numerous publications in This same theme is ideal to support the process research and doctoral thesis.