Departamento de Trabajo Social, Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED)
More about Andrea García:
Andrea García-Santesmases
Assistant Professor · UNED
Andrea García-Santesmases Fernández is graduated in Sociology by the Charles III University of Madrid and in Social and Cultural Anthropology by the Complutense University of Madrid. She holds a Master’s Degree in Sociological Research by the University of Barcelona. She holds a PhD with a distinction “cum laude” in Sociology. Her main lines or research are the intersections between gender studies and disability studies.
She’s also been visiting scholar at the Disability and Human Rights Observatory (ODDH) of the University of Lisbon (ISCSP) and at the Núcleo de Estudos de Gênero- PAGU of the Universidade Estadual de Campinas (São Paulo, Brasil). Currently, she is working as a PhD Assistant Professor at the Department of Social Work at National Distance Education University (UNED), and she is involved in different projects about independent living activism and as part of the CareNet research group.
- Disability Studies
- Gender Studies
- Sexuality Studies

Uplifting local ecological knowledge as part of adaptation pathways to wildfire risk reduction: A case study in Montseny, Catalonia (Spain)

El paisatge forestal en transformació de Serra de Tramuntana (Mallorca): regeneració versus deterioració
Research Seminar: “Connected at Home: digital technologies and aging”
Los próximos días 10 y 12 de mayo se realizará el seminario de investigación “Conectados en casa: los usos de las tecnologías digitales en la vejez”, en el que se compartirá con la comunidad científica algunos de los resultados del proyecto BCONNECT@HOME
Andrea García-Santesmases participa en la charla “La interseccionalidad a debate, cuando las opresiones se encuentran”, organizada por Casal Lambda
Charla realizada el 27 de noviembre de 2020
Researcher Andrea García-Santesmases at ‘Feminist Debates around Disability’ Conference (UC3M)
Conference took place on November 25 and 26, 2020 at the Carlos III University of Madrid
Asun Pié and Andrea García-Santesmases participate in the 1st International Conference “Deconstructing and transforming education from an intersectional approach”
Interventions made by researchers Asun Pié and Andrea García-Santesmases during the 1st International Conference ‘Deconstruyendo y transformando la educación desde un enfoque interseccional’
¿Disability and sex? Yes, we fuck! | by Andrea García-Santesmases
Desvelada | A feminist and anti-ableist look at contemporary representations of the body, (dis)ability and sexuality, by Andrea García-Santesmases
Me Before You or, rather, “me without sex” | by Andrea García-Santesmases
Desvelada | A feminist and anti-ableist look at contemporary representations of the body, (dis)ability and sexuality, by Andrea García-Santesmases
Desiring and other fictions | by Andrea García-Santesmases
Desvelada | A feminist and anti-ableist look at contemporary representations of the body, (dis)ability and sexuality, by Andrea García-Santesmases
Coronavirus and lockdown: What does a meat processing plant have in common with a rest home?
La fecha límite para postularse es el 17 de febrero. Envía una carta de motivación, un CV que incluya una lista de publicaciones y una exposición sobre tus intereses de investigación actuales y futuros antes del 11 de febrero de 2022.
‘I am sexy and I know it!’ Viktoria Modesta y el deseo sexual por los cuerpos amputados | by Andrea García-Santesmases
Desvelada | A feminist and anti-ableist look at contemporary representations of the body, (dis)ability and sexuality, by Andrea García-Santesmases
What would your life be like if you couldn’t masturbate? Sexual assistance, an essential support for people with functional diversity | by Andrea García-Santesmases
Desvelada | A feminist and anti-ableist look at contemporary representations of the body, gender, (dis)ability and sexuality, by Andrea García-Santesmases
“To fuck you must have imagination” Postporn and functional diversity | by Andrea García-Santesmases
Desvelada | A feminist and anti-ableist look at contemporary representations of the body, gender, (dis)ability and sexuality, by Andrea García-Santesmases
Asun Pié and Andrea García Santesmases at the Betevé program “Trèvol de 4 fulles”
Betevé TV program: “Trèvol de 4 fulles” of the 10th December 2018 and 26th November 2018
Andrea García-Santesmases participes in the BETEVÉ debate “Què en podem esperar del Pla Nacional per a les Persones Discapacitades que impulsa el govern?”
Andrea Garcia Santesmases at “El matí de Barcelona” in Betevé, 20th September 2018
Internet Interdisciplinary Institute IN3 UOC