“Memòries d’una pandèmia”: una iniciativa de les xarxes de museus de Catalunya per preservar la memòria testimonial



“Memories d’una pandèmia” is a citizen participation project that arose as a result of the outbreak of the pandemic in Catalonia, with the desire to materialize the experiences of our society at a particularly critical time and thus preserve a space for testimonial memory. Taking into account this situation, the Network of Museums of Ethnology of Catalonia and the Network of Museums of History and Monuments of Catalonia launched a campaign to collect physical and virtual donations, to collect expressions arising from civil society and to interpret the effects that the pandemic has had and is having on the Catalan territory. The thickness of this project focuses specifically on the first period of confinement, which runs from mid-March to the end of April 2020; the period of de-escalation, and what was called the “new normal” before the establishment of the next state of alarm, at the end of October 2020.

Ventura-Garcia, L (2022). “Memòries d’una pandèmia”: una iniciativa de les xarxes de museus de Catalunya per preservar la memòria testimonial. Revista d’Etnologia de Catalunya, 46. Pp: 200-5.