Des/cuidados más allá de la pandemia, cinco claves para repensar el trabajo social con personas en situación de dependencia
This work, which analyzes what happened in the first year of the pandemic, aims for the analysis of exceptionality to serve to rethink the common sense established in normal. Regardless of whether Covid-19 becomes an endemic, and we live with the virus as one more seasonal flu, its psychosocial effects will last. The imaginary and practical capacitists and ageists that entailed the lockdown, silencing and abandonment of thousands of people in our country were not a consequence of the confusion of urgency, but rather the dramatic explanation of a latent reality: that that not all lives are given the same value.
García-Santesmases, A.; Moyà-Köhler, J.; Farré Montalà, Ll. (2022). Des/cuidados más allá de la pandemia, cinco claves para repensar el trabajo social con personas en situación de dependencia. En “Soledad, duelo, dolor y muerte en tiempos de pandemia. Una perspectiva desde la profesión” (Editores: Hidalgo Lavié, A.; Lorenzo Gilsanz , F.; Segado Sánchez-Cabezudo, S.). Editorial Thomson Reuters – Aranzadi. p.329-348.