Internet Interdisciplinary Institute (UOC), Estudios de Psicología y Ciencias de la Educación (UOC)
Internet Interdisciplinary Institute (IN3)
Universitat Oberta de Catalunya
Rambla de Poblenou 156
08018 Barcelona
More about Lluvi Farré:
Lluvi Farré
Predoctoral researcher · FI grant holder · UOC
Lluvi Farré Montalà (UOC) holds the title of Graduate in Psychology (UAB, 2008) taking Social and Cultural Psychology specialization and a Master’s Degree on Research in Social Psychology (UAB, 2014). He is a PhD Candidate in the ‘Information and Knowledge Society’ Doctoral Programme at the Open University of Catalonia (UOC) and currently working as a full-time grant holder awarded by Generalitat de Catalunya FI-2016 Predoctoral Grants.
His research interests are situated in the intersection between Science an Technology Studies (STS), Ageing Studies, Innovation and Design. He is also a member of the IN3 CareNet Research Group where he is developing his thesis project ‘Understanding ageing: A socio-material approach to the design of social and technological innovations for the elderly’. His thesis is concerned with the role played by the design of innovations for the ageing society in the current redefinitions of old age. Specifically, it is exploring how the ageing process is enacted in those social and technological innovations that are meant to respond to the challenges of the ageing societies. In this line, the thesis approaches the ageing process as socially and materially configured through the design of these innovations.
- Older people
- Design
- Science and Technology Studies

Uplifting local ecological knowledge as part of adaptation pathways to wildfire risk reduction: A case study in Montseny, Catalonia (Spain)

El paisatge forestal en transformació de Serra de Tramuntana (Mallorca): regeneració versus deterioració
Aging in community: new models of housing and support for the elderly
Aging in community: new models of housing and support for the elderly
Presentació de “Cures en la convivència de persones grans”, publicació derivada del treball de relatoria que Lluvi Farré ha fet amb el grup de cohabitatge senior Can 70 (Sostre Cívic)
El passat 27 de febrer Lluvi Farré va presentar el treball realitzat amb el grupo de cohabitatge Can 70 per a la publicació ‘Cures en la convivència de persones grans’, editat per Sostre Cívic.
Video of the MOVICOMA Final Conference in Barcelona, a research about the senior cohousing movement in Spain
Video of the MOVICOMA Final Conference that took place in June 2017 in Barcelona. Video in Spanish with English subtitles
Internet Interdisciplinary Institute IN3 UOC