Grief, photography and meaning making: A psychological constructivist approach



This article examines the value of using photography as both a methodological and therapeutic tool for the construction – and study – of meanings after a death-related loss. A study case, consisting of narratives of mourning elicited through a personal photo diary and a follow-up interview, will be analysed in light of five key advantages of using photography to study grief experiences according to a social constructivist approach. These advantages are (1) agency in the search for meaning; (2) the role of photography as a tool for scaffolding narratives of loss; (3) the role of photography in preserving the continuing bonds with the deceased; (4) the role of photography as technology of the self for emotional self-regulation and (5) photography as a process in the reviewing of the contextualised experience.

B. Jiménez & I. Brescó (2021). Grief, Photography and Meaning Making: A Psychological Constructivist Approach. Culture & Psychology

Ignacio Brescó de Luna (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid)