Andrea García-Santesmases participa en la charla “La interseccionalidad a debate, cuando las opresiones se encuentran”, organizada por Casal Lambda
Charla realizada el 27 de noviembre de 2020
Charla realizada el 27 de noviembre de 2020
Conference took place on November 25 and 26, 2020 at the Carlos III University of Madrid
Interventions made by researchers Asun Pié and Andrea García-Santesmases during the 1st International Conference ‘Deconstruyendo y transformando la educación desde un enfoque interseccional’
Presentation of “Toolkit for Collaborative Management of Medication in Mental Health” a research project coordinated by CareNet-IN3-UOC and MARC-DAFITS-URV
Researcher Daniel López participates in the 2020 Senior Cohousing Virtual Congress organized by Hispacoop