Victoria Andelsman Álvarez, PhD candidate at the University of Copenhagen and researcher of the ERC project “Datafied Living” is doing a research stay at CareNet
Victoria Andelsman Álvarez, PhD candidate at the University of Copenhagen and researcher of the ERC project “Datafied Living” is doing a research stay at CareNet Victoria Andelsman investigates digital parenting infrastructures as well as implications of...
Call for applications for postdoctoral fellowships at the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya: an opportunity to join CareNet
The deadline to apply is 17th February. Please send a motivation letter, a CV including list of publications, and a statement on current and future research interests by 11th February 2023 the latest.

Presentació de “Cures en la convivència de persones grans”, publicació derivada del treball de relatoria que Lluvi Farré ha fet amb el grup de cohabitatge senior Can 70 (Sostre Cívic)
El passat 27 de febrer Lluvi Farré va presentar el treball realitzat amb el grupo de cohabitatge Can 70 per a la publicació ‘Cures en la convivència de persones grans’, editat per Sostre Cívic.

Exploring the digital and built environments of social connectedness in later life
Introduction to the project BCONNECT@HOME at the UOC Research Showcase 2019

Asun Pié and Andrea García Santesmases at the Betevé program “Trèvol de 4 fulles”
Betevé TV program: “Trèvol de 4 fulles” of the 10th December 2018 and 26th November 2018

CareNet seminar: “Design, materialities and popular demands for urban mobility” by Suelen Christine Caviquiolo, PhD in Technology and Society by UTFPR (Brazil)
Date: 16/10/2018. Time: 12:00-14:00 h. Room Tony Bates, Seu Tibidabo (Av. Tibidabo, 39-43 Barcelona), Universitat Oberta de Catalunya

CareNet seminar: “How about we stop calling it ‘egg donation’? From assisted reproduction techniques to reproductive capacity transfer”, by Sara Lafuente (CSIC)
Date: 08/10/2018. Time: 14:00-16:00 h. Room -1B, UOC 22@ building

Mobility for traineeships: Susanne Hirschman from TUM (Germany) is doing research on the remunicipalisation of water in Barcelona
Project: The remunicipalisation of water in the metropolitan area of Barcelona
Initial date: 1/10/2018
End date: 31/1/2019

Andrea García-Santesmases participes in the BETEVÉ debate “Què en podem esperar del Pla Nacional per a les Persones Discapacitades que impulsa el govern?”
Andrea Garcia Santesmases at “El matí de Barcelona” in Betevé, 20th September 2018