Unsettling technogenarians: interferences and synergies at the crossroads of Age Studies and Science and Technology Studies.

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Photo by Tiago Muraro on Unsplash
An international workshop exploring the intersection of Science and Technology Studies and Age Studies, to be held in the Internet Interdisciplinary Institute (IN3/UOC) in Castelldefels (Barcelona) on the 21st-22nd June 2018.
After its 2017 inaugural meeting in Vienna, this is the second workshop of the Socio-gerontechnology network that explores themes at the intersection of STS and Age Studies. The aims of the meeting are to bring together scholars working in this and related areas, discuss recent developments in the field, and further build the network.
Room -1A
Internet Interdisciplinary Institute (IN3)
Parc Mediterrani de la Tecnologia (Edifici B3)
Av. Carl Friedrich Gauss, 5
08860 Castelldefels (Barcelona)
21st-22nd June 2018
Room -1D
This workshop is organized by Daniel López (UOC), Roser Beneito-Montagut (UOC & Cardiff University), Lluvi Farré (UOC), Andrea García-Santesmases (UOC), Arantza Begueria (Siegen University) and Mireia Fernández-Ardèvol (UOC) with the support of two and IN3/UOC research groups, CareNet and CNSC, and the Network of Socio-Gerontechnology
This workshop has been funded by The Internet Interdisciplinary Institute (IN3) of the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya and the Ageing + Communication + Technologies (ACT) project through a partnership grant from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC).
The concept “technogenarian” is proposed by Joyce and Loe (2010) to bring to the fore aspects of the ageing experience that usually remain concealed by structural ageism: older people are not only the beneficiaries or dupers of science and technologies but they create, use, and adapt technologies to negotiate in every dimension of their daily life. The existence of the technogenarians signals a research domain at the crossroad of Science and Technology Studies and Ageing Studies that is currently under explored. However, as Joyce and Loe (2010) acknowledge, the technogenarians are usually the “economically privileged baby boomers” that seem to better enact the successful and active ageing core values. By unsettling technogenarians, we are sending an invitation to social science scholars to further explore this interstitial domain between STS and Ageing Studies in order to address questions such as: what are the critical consequences of science and technological innovations in the life of older people, what forms of “being old” or social groups are left aside, co-opted, or normalized in the design and implementation of new technologies for active ageing. In sum, we would like to explore what happens to Age Studies and STS if rather than greying the cyborg we try to cyborg the grey.
Thursday 21st, 10.00-17.30
09.00-09.45 |
Registration and refreshments |
09.45-10.00 |
Welcome and Introduction |
10.00-11.00 |
Ageing and Place in a Digitizing World – New questions and insights from socio-gerontechnology Alexander Peine (Utrecht University) & Barbara Marshall (Trent University)
Autonomous Robots – Independent Living. On the Interfacing of ‘Robot Care’ within European Innovation Politics. Benjamin Lipp (Technical Munchen University)
From quantified to qualculated age? The health pragmatics of biological age measurement Tiago Moreira (Durham University), Asger Aarup Hansen (Copenhagen University) & Aske Juul Lassen (Copenhagen University)
3 papers (15 minutes each) and 15 minutes for questions |
11.00-11.15 |
Refreshments |
11.15-12.15 |
The agential inseparability of ageing and technoscience Michela Cozza (Mälardalen University)
An ontological approach in socio-gerontechnology: The mutual emergence of ageing and technology Marie Ertner & Aske Lassen (University of Copenhagen)
Age and Technology, Agency and Power – Theoretical Faultlines between Age Studies and Science-and- Technology Studies Anna Wanka & Vera Gallistl (University of Vienna)
3 papers (15 minutes each) and 15 minutes for questions |
12.15-12.30 |
Refreshment |
12.30-13.30 |
Collaboration and next steps |
13.30-14.30 |
Lunch (Canteen at the UPC Library) |
14.30-15.30 |
Making active ageing otherwise? An ethnographic inquiry on self-experimentation and participatory innovation in senior cohousing projects Daniel López Gómez (Universitat Oberta de Catalunya) & Tomás S. Criado (Humboldt University)
Co-designing technologies : building spaces of co-habitation Helen Manchester (University of Bristol)
Configuring the Older Adult: Instances of Shaping Age and Ageing through Digital Technology Design Andreas Bischof (University of Technology Chemnitz) & Juliane Jarke (University of Bremen)
3 papers (15 minutes each) and 15 minutes for questions |
15:30-15:45 |
Refreshment |
15.45-16.30 |
Reconfiguring care infrastructures in dementia nursing homes: Curating personhood by digital means? Nette Schwennesen (University of Copenhaguen)
Cold technologies for incompetent older people: care workers’ views of care technologies in the Netherlands Louis Neven & Vivette van Cooten (Avans University)
2 papers (15 minutes each) and 15 minutes for questions |
16.30-17.00 |
Closing remarks day 1 & infos |
Social dinner |
Friday 22nd, 10.00-16.15
09.00-11.00 |
Book meeting (for chapter authors of the socio-gerontechnology book) |
11.00-11.45 |
The variegated online practices of the (older) old people Mireia Fernández-Ardèvol & Andrea Rosales (Universitat Oberta de Catalunya)
Blogging in later life: exploring motivation to be an Internet content producer Montserrat Celdran Castro (University of Barcelona)
2 papers (15 minutes each) and 15 minutes for questions |
11.45-12.00 |
Refreshment |
12.00-13.00 |
What is loneliness? The different articulation of loneliness among elderly in problematizations as well as solutions oriented initiatives? Signe Louise Yndigegn (IT University of Copenhagen)
Send me a WhatsApp when you arrive home”: The doings of care in Social Media Roser Beneito-Montagut (Universitat Oberta de Catalunya/ Cardiff University), Arantza Begueria (University of Siegen) & Nizaiá Cassian (Universitat Oberta de Catalunya)
Generative and networked: The Iaioflautas older’s movement Daniel Blanche & Mireia Fernández Ardèvol (Universitat Oberta de Catalunya)
3 papers (15 minutes each) and 15 minutes for questions |
13.00-14.00 |
Lunch (Canteen at the UPC Library) |
14.00-14.45 |
New Topographies of Ageing – New Materialists-inspired Analysis of ageing-in-place Monika Urban (University of Bremen)
Performing neighbourhoods as ageing-in-place technologies Susan van Hees (Tilburg University)
2 papers (15 minutes each) and 15 minutes for questions |
14.45-15.00 |
Refreshments |
15.00-15.45 |
What´s the use of images of old people in design of technologies? Britt Östlund (Royal Institute of Technology)
Visual Representations of Digital Connectivity in Everyday Life Wendy Martin (Brunel University) & Katy Pilcher (Aston University)
2 papers (15 minutes each) and 15 minutes for questions |
15.45-16.00 |
Refreshments |
16.00-16.45 |
Gaming and Older People Elders Representations in Syberia Video-Games Series Andreea Moldoveanu (University of Bucarest)
The cyborg-as-fantasy and the cyborg-as-compromise: the ambivalences of ageing with technology Gabrielle Lavenir (Concordia University)
2 papers (15 minutes each) and 15 minutes for questions |
16.45-17:00 |
Wrap up and goodbye |
How to get the venue
The workshop will take place in the IN3, which is located in the Parc Mediterrani de la Tecnología in Castelldefels. Castelldefels is a tourist destination due to the 6km long beach. It is located about 15 km from the international airport El Prat Barcelona. The easiest way to get to Castelldefels from the airport is by taxi. It takes 10min and costs around € 20, depending on traffic. There is also a bus line (Line L99) and train (you have to take R2N and stop in El Prat de Llobregat to take R2S to Castelldefels).
Castelldefels is also very well communicated with Barcelona. If you prefer to stay in Barcelona, the most comfortable option is to choose one of the hotels suggested. These are close to UOC building in Rambla del Poblenou 156 (Barcelona) from where participants will be able to take a taxi covered by UOC to go to the IN3 in Castelldefels (Av. Carl Friedrich Gauss, 5, Castelldefels). The trip takes about 40min. Of course, you can choose any other hotel in Barcelona, but then you will have to get the IN3 by your own means (by train: line R2S) or come to the UOC building in Poblenou to get the UOC-taxis.