Webinar: ‘Challenges of ageing. An interdisciplinary look at old age’, by Daniel López


What do technological innovations for aging societies? What notions of care do they construct? What notions of old age? 

Professors and researchers at the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC), Dr. Salvador Macip, Dr. Marco Inzitari, Dr. Mireia Fernández-Ardèvol i Dr. Daniel López Gómez organises this Cycle of Seminars on the challenges of aging to reflect on the needs, challenges and opportunities that arise in increasingly aging societies. It is a relevant and priority issue on a global scale that requires an innovative approach with professionals from different areas of knowledge.

Every day we learn more of the multifactorial determinants of healthier, more or less fully aging. Aging is a complex phenomenon with multiple dimensions that cannot be understood from a single discipline. Aging is a biological and psychological process that is at the same time determined by the socioeconomic and cultural context in which we live.

We need a cross-sectional approach that ranges from the biological and psychological processes to the social, cultural and technological conditions of the environments where we live. This interdisciplinary approach is critical to addressing the challenges and opportunities of aging societies.

This webinar cycle will bring together experts and aging experts from various backgrounds to discuss current challenges in this field and present an up-to-date view of the status of the issue from different angles. The main objective is to generate a discussion that allows defining new strategies around aging.


[Text from UOC website]