Internet Interdisciplinary Institute (UOC), Estudios de Psicología y Ciencias de la Educación (UOC)
Internet Interdisciplinary Institute (IN3)
Universitat Oberta de Catalunya
Rambla de Poblenou 156
08018 Barcelona
+34 93 326 36 81
More about Daniel López
Daniel López Gómez
Co-director · Full time Researcher · Associate Professor · UOC
Daniel Lopez Gomez (UOC) is a Professor of Social Psychology at the Faculty of Psychology and Education and co-director of the CareNet research group at the Internet Interdisciplinary Institute (IN3). Daniel works at the intersection of Science and Technology Studies and Aging Studies. His main area of research is the emergence of care infrastructures in a context of demographic transition and “care crisis”, particularly the development and consequences of the digitalisation of care (telecare, telemedicine, social media) as well as of new environments, living arrangements and long-term care facilities for the so-called ‘aging society’. More recently, he’s developing an interest in topics such as disasters and aging, which comprise the impact of disasters on older people as well as the imaginaries and practices of disaster preparedness in aging; more-than-human aging, particularly life-course transitions and care with companion animals; and aging infrastructures and maintenance, repair and discard practices.
Daniel has long experience as a researcher and principal investigator in national and international projects. It is worth mentioning EFORTT (FP7) and VALUE-AGEING (FP7), two projects devoted to the ethical and social consequences of e-health and telecare development for older people, the latter as postdoc Marie-Curie researcher at the Law, Science and Technology Studies (LSTs), Vrije Universitet Brussel (Belgium). He has also been involved in CUIDAR (H2020), a participatory project with children and young people on disaster risk reduction, and the Spanish coordinator of a project on smart technologies and Responsible Research Innovation, CANDID (H2020). In 2015, he was awarded a Leonardo BBVA Grant for talented researchers and artists to develop the first study of the senior cohousing movement in Spain (MOVICOMA). More recently, he has been principal investigator of BCONNECT@Home, a European JPI project on aging, social connectedness and digital life and led the qualitative study of RESICOVID-19, a project funded by the Catalan government about the impact(s) of the pandemics in the residential care system of Catalonia.
He has been visiting scholar at the Departament of Anthropology of the University of Copenhagen in 2019, at the Department of Sociology of the Universidad Andrés Bello (Chile), also in 2019, and at the Centre for the Study of Invention and Social Process (CSISP), Sociology Department of Goldsmiths (UK) in 2011. He has been a board member of the Catalan Society for Geriatrics and Gerontology, a founding member of the Socio-gerontechnology network and the Spanish STS network and of the organising committee of the 2016 EASST/4s Joint Conference in Barcelona.
- Care
- Science & Technology Studies
- Ageing

The relational, emotional and infrastructural work of older people in pandemic digital interventions

Digitization of Aging-in-Place: An International Comparison of the Value-Framing of New Technologies

No future for care without new digital media? Making time(s) for mediated informal care practices in later life

Civilising technologies for an ageing society? The performativity of participatory methods in Socio-gerontechnology

Estudi qualitatiu de l’afectació, respostes i millores derivades de la pandèmia en centres residencials

Intimate Entanglements: Affects, more-than-human intimacies and the politics of relations in Science and Technology
‘Challenges of ageing. An interdisciplinary look at old age’ by Daniel López Gómez
Webinar: 'Challenges of ageing. An interdisciplinary look at old age', by Daniel López What do technological innovations for aging societies? What notions of care do they construct? What notions of old age? Professors and researchers at the Universitat Oberta...
[PANEL] Mundane Media Moments: Ageing, the Ordinary, and Everyday Life (ACT and Socio-Gerontology Network)
[PANEL] Mundane Media Moments: Ageing, the Ordinary, and Everyday Life (ACT and Socio-Gerontology Network) Hosted by Alexander Peine. Speakers: Dr. Wendy Martin, Dr. Mireia Fernández-Ardèvol, Dr. Galit Nimrod and Dr. Daniel Lopez
Research Seminar: “Connected at Home: digital technologies and aging”
Los próximos días 10 y 12 de mayo se realizará el seminario de investigación “Conectados en casa: los usos de las tecnologías digitales en la vejez”, en el que se compartirá con la comunidad científica algunos de los resultados del proyecto BCONNECT@HOME
Conversation with Ibero-American Networks of Science, Technology & Society
Researchers Daniel López-Gómez and Israel Rodríguez-Giralt join in the online meeting, on February 26, 2021
“If we are to improve employment security in care provision and stop pathologizing old age, we need to rethink the concept of home” Interviewing Daniel López
Interview to Daniel López-Gómez published at IN3 Blog (UOC), 08/02/2021
Daniel López participates in the 2020 Senior Cohousing Virtual Congress organized by Hispacoop
Researcher Daniel López participates in the 2020 Senior Cohousing Virtual Congress organized by Hispacoop
Webinar: “Aging-in-place and care: imaginaries, practices and technologies” by Daniel López
Researcher Daniel López Gómez gives the webinar “Aging-in-place and care: imaginaries, practices and technologies”.
Exploring the digital and built environments of social connectedness in later life
Introduction to the project BCONNECT@HOME at the UOC Research Showcase 2019
Video of the MOVICOMA Final Conference in Barcelona, a research about the senior cohousing movement in Spain
Video of the MOVICOMA Final Conference that took place in June 2017 in Barcelona. Video in Spanish with English subtitles
Internet Interdisciplinary Institute IN3 UOC