Corpografías de la discapacidad. ¿Puede la pedagogía escapar del cuerpo?



Corpografías de la discapacidad presents a series of texts aimed at (re)thinking about disability beyond the hegemonic medical models that bound it to the physical body. We open new narratives that rewrite those bodies marked by a lack. The arts, body studies, embodied narratives and knowledge produced from epistemologies, among others, serve this purpose. We offer a place for symbolic openings that involve new ways of telling what disability is and supposes, the dialectic between the ethical and the aesthetic, the beautiful and the ugly, other ways of telling (us) about bodies and playing with the social. Ultimately, this work aims to make possible other plural understandings about the so-called disability that enlighten its arbitrariness and the capacities involved in it.

Pié Balaguer, Asun & Planella Ribera, Jordi (2021). Corpografías de la discapacidad. ¿Puede la pedagogía escapar del cuerpo? Buenos Aires: Lugar Editorial.

Jordi Planella Ribera, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya