Internet Interdisciplinary Institute (UOC), Estudios de Psicología y Ciencias de la Educación (UOC)
Internet Interdisciplinary Institute (IN3)
Universitat Oberta de Catalunya
Rambla de Poblenou 156
08018 Barcelona
+34 93 326 36 85
More about Asun Pié Balaguer
Asun Pié Balaguer
Associate Professor · Part time Researcher · UOC
Asun Pié Balaguer is a Doctor of Pedagogy from the University of Barcelona and a Diploma in Social Education from Ramon Llull University. She has been a professor/researcher of the Studies of Psychology and Education Sciences of the Oberta de Catalunya University (UOC) since 2011. In 2010, he received a PhD in Pedagogy from the University of Barcelona. His thesis articulated disability studies in the field of social work and reviewed their implications in educational theory. She is a member of the CareNet Research Group. Care and Preparedness in the Network Society (IN3-UOC). His research path focuses on Feminist Studies of Disability. She has been a guest professor at the University of Antioquia (Colombia), the Autonomous University of Mexico, the Universidad Pedagógica Nacional-Hidalgo (Pachuca, Mexico), the Universidad Austral de Chile, among others.
He has co-led the Collaborative Medication Management Research Project: a participatory research and action project in mental health (URV-UOC). RecerCaixa 2016. Citizen participation in health policies (2017-2020). She has been a researcher on the Severe Mental Disorder Metaphors Project. Analysis of speech by affected individuals and mental health professionals (2018-2021) (National Plan of Spain R&D: FFI2017-86969-R). She is a member of the International Network of Researchers and Participants on Education Inclusion/Integration (RIIE). Since 2022, it has been part of the ‘International Observatory of autônoma da medicaçao (Brazil) gestational practices’. She is also member of MARC, Medical Anthropology Research Center, at Rovira i Virgili University. She is currently member of the Assistencial Ethics Committee of ‘Fundació Congrés Català de Salut Mental (FCCSM)’, in Barcelona. In 2019, he received the 2nd Mentioned Award from the COPEC (Colegio de Pedagogos de Cataluña) at the IX Pedagogical Trial Award Frederic Company i Franquesa, with her work ‘Inclusion vs. Segregation. Approaches from pedagogy’. She co-directs the Oberta Publishing’s editorial collection of Contemporary Pedagogies.
- Disability
- Queer Studies
- Care

Understanding the relationship between gender and mental health in adolescence: the Gender Adherence Index (GAI)

Unravelling reactionary care: the experience of mother-caregivers of adults with severe mental disorders in Catalonia

El ejemplo a seguir: la posibilidad de crítica a las políticas de inclusión de Personas en Situación Discapacidad bajo una exacerbada lógica de mercado

Les arts vivants comme facilitateurs de dialogue et de rencontre dans l’interculturel Réflexions à partir du projet Vulnus

Vídeo-report from the study “Collaborative Medication Management: A research and participatory action project in mental health”

The collaborative management of antipsychotic medication and its challenges: a qualitative study in Catalonia

Recorridos activistas de la discapacidad e imaginario. ¿Hacia unas políticas públicas en el siglo XXI que promuevan la alteridad?
Studying gender-based violence and disability
La fecha límite para postularse es el 17 de febrero. Envía una carta de motivación, un CV que incluya una lista de publicaciones y una exposición sobre tus intereses de investigación actuales y futuros antes del 11 de febrero de 2022.
Asun Pié and Andrea García-Santesmases participate in the 1st International Conference “Deconstructing and transforming education from an intersectional approach”
Interventions made by researchers Asun Pié and Andrea García-Santesmases during the 1st International Conference ‘Deconstruyendo y transformando la educación desde un enfoque interseccional’
Presentation of “Toolkit for Collaborative Management of Medication in Mental Health”
Presentation of “Toolkit for Collaborative Management of Medication in Mental Health” a research project coordinated by CareNet-IN3-UOC and MARC-DAFITS-URV
CareNet Seminar: “Ammarantha Wass: a trans-chueca experience of a teacher at the UPN” by Yennifer Villa (Universidad Pedagógica Nacional)
Seminar given by Yennifer Paola Villa Rojas, predoctoral researcher currently doing a research stay at the CareNet research group
Asun Pié and Andrea García Santesmases at the Betevé program “Trèvol de 4 fulles”
Betevé TV program: “Trèvol de 4 fulles” of the 10th December 2018 and 26th November 2018
Internet Interdisciplinary Institute IN3 UOC