Internet Interdisciplinary Institute (UOC), Estudios de Psicología y Ciencias de la Educación (UOC)


Internet Interdisciplinary Institute (IN3)

Universitat Oberta de Catalunya

Rambla de Poblenou 156

08018 Barcelona

+34 93 326 36 85

More about Laia Ventura:

Laia Ventura García

Postdoctoral researcher · UOC

Laia Ventura Garcia holds a PhD in Anthropology and Communication and a Master’s degree in Medical Anthropology and International Health from the University Rovira i Virgili (URV). She has a degree in Social and Cultural Anthropology and Psychology from the University of Barcelona. She has worked on different research and intervention projects related to health in Guatemala, Bolivia and Catalonia. Her main areas of interest are health, disasters, risk, and bodies—focusing on the articulations between processes of social inequality and experiences regarding risks—as well as sexual and reproductive rights. She is a postdoc researcher at the CARENET research group (IN3-UOC) and works as an associate professor at the URV. She is currently attached at the Center for Research in Medical Anthropology (MARC-URV),  and the  Inter-University Women and Gender Studies Institute (IIEDG)”.

  • Health
  • Disasters
  • Social Inequalities 
  • Sexuality Studies 
  • Risk 



Internet Interdisciplinary Institute IN3 UOC

Av. Carl Friedrich Gauss, 5,
08060 Casteldefels, Barcelona, Spain
+34 934 50 52 00



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