Internet Interdisciplinary Institute (UOC), Estudios de Psicología y Ciencias de la Educación (UOC)
Internet Interdisciplinary Institute (IN3)
Universitat Oberta de Catalunya
Rambla de Poblenou 156
08018 Barcelona
+34 93 450 5226
More about Nizaiá Cassián:
Nizaiá Cassián Yde
Professor · UOC
- Urban Studies
- Feminist Epistemologies and Writing
- Anti-racist fighting
Internet Interdisciplinary Institute IN3 UOC
Av. Carl Friedrich Gauss, 5,
08060 Casteldefels, Barcelona, Spain
+34 934 50 52 00
Nizaiá Cassián Yde holds a PhD in Social Psychology (UAB). She is a professor of Psychology and Education Studies at the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC) and coordinates the area of Feminisms of TFG of the degree of Social Education. Her academic practice is framed in the anti-racist feminist bets. She is part of the research group CareNet. Her field of research focuses on decolonial geographies, Marxist feminism on the neoliberal city, body-space relations, precariousness of work and political action. She has participated in national and European research on the ethics of care. She is co-author of the book “Por una acción social crítica. Tensions in social intervention” (2019), which critically analyzes the relations of power, exclusion and governmentality that cross social intervention. She participates in feminist and migrant self-organization spaces.
Her thesis focused on the intersection between Urban Studies and decolonial geography, the critical analysis of gentrification, the instrumentalization of culture in processes of urban transformation and its effects on urban spoliation, the racial and colonial hierarchization of urban spatialities and the whitening by dispossession of public space. In her work she is interested in how particular forms of spatialization relate to the conception and governance of the productive body and the urban infrastructures of care, generating effects of violence and dispossession, as well as resistance and community self-organization.
As a researcher, she has participated in several projects in the field of technological innovations in the field of care and the ethical reflections that accompany these transformations: in the European project EFORTT “Ethical Frameworks for Telecare Technologies for Older People at Home” (FP7, 2008-2011), and in the projects “Elderly, social media and social isolation” (RECERCAIXA-2012-ACUP-00325); “Science, Technology and Attention to Dependence” (Plan Nacional de I+D+I, 2008-2011); “Feeling at home with Technologies? An analysis of the impact of (assistive) technologies for the elderly and disable people” (Ministry of Education and Science, 2007-2009).
She has actively participated in several feminist spaces and for the right to the city, taking part in processes of self-training and militant research in this field.