“Tú me dirás: yo, ¿de cuáles soy?”: la práctica clínica del Chagas como riesgo latente



Drawing on observation-based ethnog-raphy, interviews of health personnel and docu-ment review, this article describes and examines how, in clinical handling of Chagas disease, infec-tion is treated as latent risk. It suggests that how this risk is managed has enabled a clinical practice to be conducted among people classified as at the indeterminate stage, by adding a dimension of possibility (Is it going to happen?) and potentiali-ty (When and where?). This allows measures to be taken, including administration of medication or permanent monitoring. The reification of latent risk as a phenomenon that is manageable through a process of medicalisation engages, in turn, with other conceptions and specific experiences of risk among the affected groups. Framing the clinical practices deployed to address this risk as objects of study is a first step towards being able to describe and include them concretely in health system organisation.

Garcia, Laia. (2021). “Tú me dirás: yo, ¿de cuáles soy?”: la práctica clínica del Chagas como riesgo latente. Ciência & Saúde Coletiva. http://www.cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/tu-me-diras-yo-de-cuales-soy-la-practica-clinica-del-chagas-como-riesgo-latente/17901?id=17901(3) DOI: 10.1590/1413-81232022273.33482020