by ehc_admin | Apr 6, 2019
Participación tecnocientífica en España: afrontando el reto de hibridar ciencia y política 2019 Abstract Immersion in the knowledge society brought with it the danger of restricting the treatment of scientific and technical issues to a process of obtaining consensus...
by ehc_admin | Mar 27, 2019
Intimate with your junk! A waste management experiment for a material world 2019 Abstract The material turn in social theory has put the study of objects at the centre of any attempt to comprehend the production of social order, but only recently has their...
by ehc_admin | Mar 22, 2019
Intimate Entanglements: Affects, more-than-human intimacies and the politics of relations in Science and Technology 2019 Abstract This paper introduces Intimate Entanglements by proposing three interrelated shifts that result from juxtaposing experiences with...
by ehc_admin | Mar 22, 2019
La insurrección de la vulnerabilidad. Para una pedagogía de los cuidados y la resistencia 2019 ABSTRACT La percepción que el ser humano tiene de sí mismo en Occidente se ha forjado a lo largo de la historia sobre la base de un error filosófico fundamental: la...
by ehc_admin | Mar 12, 2019
Intimate Entanglements 2019 Abstract This monograph rethinks the abstract and generalised connection between entanglement and knowledge-making by grounding it within specific socio-material relations. As a focus of sociological research and theory, intimacy is...
by ehc_admin | Feb 10, 2019
Por una acción social crítica. Tensiones en la intervención social. 2019 Abstract La intervención social se ha consolidado en las últimas décadas como un campo particular de acción encaminado a modificar la realidad, en particular la de las capas de población más...