El ejemplo a seguir: la posibilidad de crítica a las políticas de inclusión de Personas en Situación Discapacidad bajo una exacerbada lógica de mercado 2022 Abstract El 18 de octubre de 2019 significó un punto de inflexión en la historia reciente de Chile. Un país...
Les arts vivants comme facilitateurs de dialogue et de rencontre dans l’interculturel Réflexions à partir du projet Vulnus 2022 Abstract Una de las mayores dificultades que giran alrededor de la experiencia de las personas migradas en el contexto europeo, pasa...
Situación actual y modelos emergentes en salud mental: una perspectiva socio-antropológica 2022 Abstract El capítulo presenta los siguientes contenidos: 1. Se ofrece un análisis crítico de la práctica psiquiátrica, partiendo del paradigma de la salud mental...
Vulnerability analysis to wildland- urban interface fires in metropolitan areas: an integrated approach 2022 Abstract Wildfires pose a growing threat to populated areas around the world and especially in the Mediterranean Basin. Numerous Mediterranean cities have...
Embodying disabled liminality: A matter of mal/adjustment to dis/ableism 2022 Abstract This article combines the line of work that links disability and liminality with feminist dis/ability studies to analyse how the ‘disabled body-subject’ is produced and...
“Memòries d’una pandèmia”: una iniciativa de les xarxes de museus de Catalunya per preservar la memòria testimonial 2022 Abstract “Memories d’una pandèmia” is a citizen participation project that arose as a result of the outbreak of the pandemic in...
EduFire Toolkit Educational Toolkit for secondary schools in wildfires within a climate change scenario PROJECT Weather forecasts in a context of climate change point to an increase in average temperatures that, in general, will imply a prolongation of the forest fire...
Griefbots. A New Way of Communicating With The Dead? 2022 Abstract There is a growing number of new digital technologies mediating the experiences of grief and the continuing bonds between the bereaved and their loved ones following death. One of the most recent...
Des/cuidados más allá de la pandemia, cinco claves para repensar el trabajo social con personas en situación de dependencia 2022 Abstract This work, which analyzes what happened in the first year of the pandemic, aims for the analysis of exceptionality to serve to...
Challenging “The Hands of Technology”: An Analysis of Independent Living for People with Intellectual Disabilities 2022 Abstract Technology has been holding out the promise of facilitating greater autonomy and improving care for people in a situation of dependency....