Care infrastructures in pandemic times: From health crisis to social emergency 2022 Abstract García-Santesmases, A. et al. (2022). Las infraestructuras de cuidado en tiempos de pandemia: de la crisis sanitaria a la emergencia de lo social. Revista Española de...
Being just their hands? Personal assistance for disabled people as bodywork 2022 Abstract Drawing on the notion of bodywork, we analyse the bodily aspects of personal assistance to expand the dialogue between medical sociology and disability studies. We aim to,...
Digitization of Aging-in-Place: An International Comparison of the Value-Framing of New Technologies 2022 Abstract Planning for aging populations has been a growing concern for policy makers across the globe. Integral to strategies for promoting healthy aging are...
¿Para cuándo el diálogo interdisciplinar en la gestión de la sindemia de la COVID-19? 2022 Abstract Desde que los países y sus instituciones comenzaron a sentirse sobrepasados por la COVID-19, no ha sorprendido escuchar las quejas, las dolencias y los malestares de...
“Tú me dirás: yo, ¿de cuáles soy?”: la práctica clínica del Chagas como riesgo latente 2021 Abstract Drawing on observation-based ethnog-raphy, interviews of health personnel and docu-ment review, this article describes and examines how, in clinical handling...
Population movements, borders, and Chagas disease 2021 Abstract Currently, Chagas disease is a complex global health problem with local and global implications. In the present article, we approach this complexity from the perspective of human mobility and its...
Narratives of Loss: Exploring Grief through Photography 2021 Abstract Grief is not an exclusively private and intrapsychic phenomenon but a dynamic process whereby the bereaved negotiates the meaning of the loss in a way that may challenge his/her personal...
Grief, photography and meaning making: A psychological constructivist approach 2021 Abstract This article examines the value of using photography as both a methodological and therapeutic tool for the construction – and study – of meanings after a death-related loss....
Autonomías precarias: un análisis sobre las tecnologías para personas con diversidad funcional intelectual 2021 Abstract Digital technologies have burst into the lives of people with disabilities with the promise of offering more autonomy and accessibility with...
No future for care without new digital media? Making time(s) for mediated informal care practices in later life 2021 Abstract There is a growing interest in using social media and digital platforms as allies to strengthen social support among the aged. Drawing on...