by ehc_admin | Sep 21, 2022
Exploring practices of collective care in the resistance of violence and opression Resumen If you sink into despair, remember this crowd, read the glittery purple banner, one that eloquently captured the emotion driving feminists to challenge the extensive...
by ehc_admin | Mar 14, 2019
Materializing Collective Mental Health. Knowledge, Technology and Identification beyond Psychiatry. PROJECT This thesis project aims to study the dynamic and mutual constitution of both technologies and ‘patients’ in the field of Mental Health. Through the analytical...
by ehc_admin | Feb 10, 2018
Old age(s) under construction: Sociomaterial analysis of housing innovations design for older people PROJECT The present thesis project, unfolded from the intersection between Science and Technology Studies (STS), Ageing Studies and Design, tries to understand...
by ehc_admin | Sep 1, 2014
Una història d’herois: l’articulació d’un subjecte autònom en un servei de vida independent per a persones amb síndrome de Down (i altres discapacitats) PROJECTOBJECTIVES Dins les actuals societats del coneixement sovint es posen de manifest les dificultats que...