Technological ageism in sheltered housing for older adults: an intersectional approach 2023 Abstract How is technological ageism produced in relation to the social imaginaries of what it is to be an older adult? This chapter explores this question in the context of...
Unravelling reactionary care: the experience of mother-caregivers of adults with severe mental disorders in Catalonia 2022 Abstract In most Mediterranean countries, people diagnosed with severe mental disorders (SMDs) are typically cared for by the mother, causing a...
Des/cuidados más allá de la pandemia, cinco claves para repensar el trabajo social con personas en situación de dependencia 2022 Abstract This work, which analyzes what happened in the first year of the pandemic, aims for the analysis of exceptionality to serve to...
Care infrastructures in pandemic times: From health crisis to social emergency 2022 Abstract García-Santesmases, A. et al. (2022). Las infraestructuras de cuidado en tiempos de pandemia: de la crisis sanitaria a la emergencia de lo social. Revista Española de...
Being just their hands? Personal assistance for disabled people as bodywork 2022 Abstract Drawing on the notion of bodywork, we analyse the bodily aspects of personal assistance to expand the dialogue between medical sociology and disability studies. We aim to,...
No future for care without new digital media? Making time(s) for mediated informal care practices in later life 2021 Abstract There is a growing interest in using social media and digital platforms as allies to strengthen social support among the aged. Drawing on...
Lo sexual es político: el cambio de repertorio en el activismo de la diversidad funcional 2021 Abstract The activism of people with functional diversity (FD) in Spain has traditionally focused on claiming basic rights such as accessibility, personal assistance or...
CRIP, WHAT?? Enunciaciones, tensiones y apropiaciones en torno a la reivindicación de lo tullido en el contexto español 2020 Abstract Functional diversity has been traditionally named in a stigmatizing way: disability, handicap, impairment, etc. Independent Living...
Si no merecemos vivir ahora, ¿cómo vamos a vivir después? 2020 Abstract Three activist friends from the Independent Living Forum, which promotes the rights of people with functional diversity, explain how the coronavirus crisis has led them to make eugenic...
Entre lienzos y bambalinas, cuerpos diversos en la creación artística 2020 Abstract Lo que hoy llamamos “discapacidad” ha recibido diferentes nombres a lo largo de la historia, mostrando la variación en la definición y condición social de los designados bajo esta...