Comunicació del risc i ciutadania: la visió dels barris de ponent 2023 Abstract L’explosió a l’empresa IQOXE el gener del 2020 va ressaltar les mancances en la comunicació del risc, especialment amb la ciutadania propera a la zona petroquímica de...
Guia per a una docència en línia amb perspectiva de gènere 2021 Abstract The text is based on a literature review of online teaching from a gender perspective. It is situated in broader debates about distance education and the relationship of digital technologies...
A través del espejo: ¿pueden las artes contribuir a cambiar la mirada sobre la discapacidad física? 2021 Abstract Corpografías de la discapacidad presents a series of texts aimed at (re)thinking about disability beyond the hegemonic medical models that bound it to...
Children, participation and disasters in Europe: A poor record 2020 Abstract The role of children in disaster risk management (DRM) is an emerging subfield of disaster studies in which Peek et al (2018, 2019) have noted major empirical, theoretical and...
Dialogues with Children, Mutual Learning Exercises and National Policy Debates 2020 Abstract Putting children’s perspectives into planning and practice in the disaster context, embedding these more widely across European states and regions, was consequently the...
Rights, information, needs and active involvement in disaster risk management 2020 Abstract Here we detail how the roles children and young people can play in disaster risk management (DRM) started to become visible. What we learned from CUIDAR is useful not just...
Participatory tools for disaster risk management with children and young people 2020 Abstract This chapter explores the tools and methods used to include children’s voices in disaster risk management (DRM) that we found to be effective during the different stages of...
Incidents within Incidents: social perspectives on the global pandemic and wildfire 2020 Abstract A social science lens can provide valuable insight into the current context of socio-ecological disasters, such as COVID-19 and wildfires. In this article, we argue...
Entre lienzos y bambalinas, cuerpos diversos en la creación artística 2020 Abstract Lo que hoy llamamos “discapacidad” ha recibido diferentes nombres a lo largo de la historia, mostrando la variación en la definición y condición social de los designados bajo esta...
¿Puede ir Hamlet en silla de ruedas? Cuerpos diversos y creación artística 2018 Abstract La creación artística es una expresión humana, hecha siempre desde y con los cuerpos. Pero en el caso de los “cuerpos discapacitados”, estos han sido...