Inhabiting the sufficiency to sustain life

Artistic-community research project that aims to identify, compile and catalogue local cultural practices and socio-technical tactics, pre-capitalist and non-Westernised, that help to inhabit sufficiency in order to promote the eco-social sustainability of artistic communities and their immediate contexts. On this occasion, the project operates as a pilot test on the scale of the artistic community of La Escocesa and the Poblenou neighbourhood, in order to expand it later, applying it to the ecosystems that make up other communities and factories of creation in the Metropolitan Area of Barcelona. The ultimate justification of this project is to highlight the relations of eco-dependence and interdependence that cross us, including artistic communities, in order to (re)learn to live, collectively, from the limits of sufficiency. Only then, perhaps, we can come a little closer, from our own artistic experience, to the necessary degrowth and the urgent reparation of the eco-social damage that affects us today.

To elaborate, through a process of Participatory Action Research (PAR), a catalogue of cultural tactics and practices and socio-technical innovations (pre-capitalist, post-consumer and non-westernised) for the sustainability and ecological sufficiency of an artistic community; in this case, La Escocesa.

Specific objectives:

  • To identify and collect cultural tactics and practices (pre-capitalist, post-consumerist and non-westernised) and socio-technical innovations that help to live from sufficiency and contribute to the environmental sustainability of the neighbourhood ecosystem of La Escocesa.
  • To value the intangible cultural heritage and recognise the informal expertise of the neighbours of La Escocesa, in Poblenou, which could contribute to degrowth and the repair or mitigation of ecosocial damage.
  • To foster collaborative learning and the transfer of this knowledge and cultural practices between Poblenou’s neighbours and the community of artists of La Escocesa.

Comunidad de Artistas de La Escocesa

Funding Body: ICUB (Institut de Cultura de Barcelona), Ajuntament de Barcelona

Programme: Becas CREA

Reference: 23S00978-006

Start date: 20/06/2023

End date: 28/02/2024


Blanca Callén

Principal Researcher