by ehc_admin | Nov 4, 2019
Young People with ASD in Ripollet PROJECTOBJECTIVES This is a two-phase study. In the first phase, the aim is to draw up a complete map of the current situation of young people diagnosed with ASD in the town of Ripollet, especially in regard to school. This implies,...
by ehc_admin | Oct 1, 2018
Grassroots community care initiatives in Barcelona PROYECTOOBJETIVOS The objective of the project is to give visibility and recognition to the community support initiatives that already exist in the city of Barcelona, gathering their experience in practical...
by ehc_admin | Dec 13, 2014
EXPDEM – Acción política de los grupos concernidos con la promoción de la vida independiente en España PROJECTOBJECTIVES El proyecto “EXPDEM: Acción política de los grupos concernidos con la promoción de la vida independiente en España” (CSO2011-29749-C02-02), tiene...
by ehc_admin | Sep 1, 2014
Una història d’herois: l’articulació d’un subjecte autònom en un servei de vida independent per a persones amb síndrome de Down (i altres discapacitats) PROJECTOBJECTIVES Dins les actuals societats del coneixement sovint es posen de manifest les dificultats que...