by ehc_admin | Mar 4, 2020
Accounting and facilitating the creation of a care model for the senior cohousing initiative Can 70 PROJECTOBJECTIVES This project is part of the collaboration between CareNet-IN3 / Universitat Oberta de Catalunya and the senior cohousing initiative Can 70, based on...
by ehc_admin | Feb 10, 2018
Old age(s) under construction: Sociomaterial analysis of housing innovations design for older people PROJECT The present thesis project, unfolded from the intersection between Science and Technology Studies (STS), Ageing Studies and Design, tries to understand...
by ehc_admin | Sep 1, 2015
MOVICOMA – The emergence of the senior cohousing movement in Spain PROJECTOBJECTIVES MOVICOMA is a research project funded by the Foundation Leonardo Grant in 2015. It aims to study the emergence of the senior cohousing in Spain as an innovative and alternative...