by bperezperez1 | Jun 5, 2024
CUSAM. Women carers of people with severe mental disorders: challenges for a democratic and collective care PROJECT The CUSAM project is based on the need to explore in greater depth the impact of the exercise of care on women in the position of caregivers of adults...
by ehc_admin | Feb 1, 2017
Collaborative Medication Management: A research and participatory action project in mental health PROJECTOBJECTIVES Collaborative Medication Management (CMM), also known as Gestión Autonome de la Medication (GAM), is an initiative developed in the early 1990s in...
by ehc_admin | Sep 1, 2015
MOVICOMA – The emergence of the senior cohousing movement in Spain PROJECTOBJECTIVES MOVICOMA is a research project funded by the Foundation Leonardo Grant in 2015. It aims to study the emergence of the senior cohousing in Spain as an innovative and alternative...
by ehc_admin | Dec 13, 2014
EXPDEM – Acción política de los grupos concernidos con la promoción de la vida independiente en España PROJECTOBJECTIVES El proyecto “EXPDEM: Acción política de los grupos concernidos con la promoción de la vida independiente en España” (CSO2011-29749-C02-02), tiene...
by ehc_admin | Dec 1, 2013
Policy interventions to reduce social isolation and promote wellbeing among older people using the social web PROJECTOBJECTIVES This project investigates the potential contribution of the social web to the wellbeing of the elderly –a segment of society which has...