Comunicació del risc i ciutadania: la visió dels barris de ponent

Comunicació del risc i ciutadania: la visió dels barris de ponent

Comunicació del risc i ciutadania: la visió dels barris de ponent 2023   Abstract L’explosió a l’empresa IQOXE el gener del 2020 va ressaltar les mancances en la comunicació del risc, especialment amb la ciutadania propera a la zona petroquímica de...
Population movements, borders, and Chagas disease

Population movements, borders, and Chagas disease

Population movements, borders, and Chagas disease 2021   Abstract Currently, Chagas disease is a complex global health problem with local and global implications. In the present article, we approach this complexity from the perspective of human mobility and its...
Chagas, Risk and Health Seeking among Bolivian Women in Catalonia

Chagas, Risk and Health Seeking among Bolivian Women in Catalonia

Chagas, Risk and Health Seeking among Bolivian Women in Catalonia 2020   Abstract In this article, we explore relationships between risk and emotions among Bolivian women living with Chagas disease, and the implications of this for their diagnosis and treatment in...
Biología humana, biomedicina y alteridad

Biología humana, biomedicina y alteridad

Biología humana, biomedicina y alteridad 2015   Abstract The “Other” as a symbolic product, as a cultural construction of our social mind, is present in all societies and throughout human history, but its forms of production have acquired peculiar characteristics in...