Internet Interdisciplinary Institute (UOC)

Universitat Oberta de Catalunya

Rambla de Poblenou 156

08018 Barcelona

More about Maria Cifre:

Maria Cifre Sabater 

Postdoctoral researcher ·  UOC  

Maria Cifre-Sabater holds a Social and Cultural Anthropology degree from the Autonomous University of Barcelona. She obtained a PhD in Environmental Anthropology awarded by the University of Kent (England) with her thesis entitled “Changing forests in a changing Mediterranean island: forests, fires and heritagisation of the landscape in Serra de Tramuntana, Mallorca” (2020). Her doctoral work was funded by the “50th Anniversary Scholarship” of the University of Kent. She is currently a postdoctoral researcher at the CareNet group of the Internet Interdisciplinary Institute (IN3, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya).

She has ten years of research experience, particularly focused on the social, historical, and environmental spheres of wildfires, the social impacts of natural protected areas and the transformations of cultural landscapes. These research interests have also been pursued in her professional activity through the design, coordination, and leadership of applied research projects in interdisciplinary teams, covering topics such as wildfire risk in the wildland-urban interface, community forest management, cultural landscape conservation and heritagisation, and circular economy networks in rural areas, among others. She currently works on European projects contributing to the adaptation of regions to climate change, promoting prevention, preparation and response strategies that are inclusive, diverse and collaborative to climate-change related disasters such as wildfires, heat waves, and floods.

Cifre-Sabater has carried out a research stay at the Universidad Pablo de Olavide (Sevilla, 2017) and at the Universitat de les Illes Balears (Mallorca, 2017). She has also participated in numerous national and international scientific conferences and seminars and has experience imparting university seminars at graduate and postgraduate courses.

  • Wildfires
  • Disasters
  • Climate change
  • Cultural landscapes



Internet Interdisciplinary Institute IN3 UOC

Av. Carl Friedrich Gauss, 5,
08060 Casteldefels, Barcelona, Spain
+34 934 50 52 00


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