by ehc_admin | Mar 4, 2020
Accounting and facilitating the creation of a care model for the senior cohousing initiative Can 70 PROJECTOBJECTIVES This project is part of the collaboration between CareNet-IN3 / Universitat Oberta de Catalunya and the senior cohousing initiative Can 70, based on...
by ehc_admin | Feb 2, 2020
Havens and Heavens of Ageing-in-Community: Home, Care and Age in Senior Co-housing 2020 Abstract This chapter draws on an ethnographic study of the senior co-housing movement conducted in Spain from 2013–17. We explore the process of infrastructuring home and care...
by ehc_admin | Jan 23, 2020
The collaborative management of antipsychotic medication and its challenges: a qualitative study in Catalonia 2020 Abstract Antipsychotic medication is the primary treatment for psychotic conditions such as schizophrenia and schizoaffective disorders; nevertheless,...
by ehc_admin | Jan 15, 2020
Kit per al desenvolupament d’iniciatives comunitàries de cures 2020 Description This ‘Toolkit for the development of community-based care initiatives’ (Moyà-Köhler, 2020) is the result of the work carried out by the CareNet research group in the...
by ehc_admin | Nov 4, 2019
Young People with ASD in Ripollet PROJECTOBJECTIVES This is a two-phase study. In the first phase, the aim is to draw up a complete map of the current situation of young people diagnosed with ASD in the town of Ripollet, especially in regard to school. This implies,...
by ehc_admin | Oct 1, 2019
PyroLife – training a new generation of interdisciplinary experts in holistic fire management PROJECTOBJECTIVES Marie-Curie Action, part of the European Union’s Horizion 2020 Program, has recently selected to fund a new, global initiative in wildfire research. The...
by ehc_admin | Mar 14, 2019
Materializing Collective Mental Health. Knowledge, Technology and Identification beyond Psychiatry. PROJECT This thesis project aims to study the dynamic and mutual constitution of both technologies and ‘patients’ in the field of Mental Health. Through the analytical...
by ehc_admin | Oct 1, 2018
Grassroots community care initiatives in Barcelona PROYECTOOBJETIVOS The objective of the project is to give visibility and recognition to the community support initiatives that already exist in the city of Barcelona, gathering their experience in practical...