Internet Interdisciplinary Institute (UOC), Estudios de Psicología y Ciencias de la Educación (UOC)

Internet Interdisciplinary Institute (IN3)

Universitat Oberta de Catalunya

Rambla del Poblenou 156

08018 Barcelona


More about Israel Rodríguez:

Israel Rodríguez Giralt

Co-director · Full time Researcher · Associate Professor · UOC

I’m currently Full Research Professor at the IN3 – Open University of Catalonia (UOC). My field of research is the so-called STS (Science and Technology Studies) and the study of new forms of technical democracy (social experimentation, public debate and mobilization). I’m particularly interested in understanding the role of technoscience in new health and social care activism and in public engagement and participation in disaster situations.

I hold a degree in Psychology from the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (with honours).  I received my PhD from Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (with honours) for the PhD thesis entitled: “The symmetrical turn in the study of collective action: the ecological controversy of Doñana”. 

From 2002-2016 I have worked as Associate Professor in the Department of Psychology and Educational Sciences at UOC. Since 2016 I’m coordinating CareNet Research Group.

I have been visiting researcher at Loughborough University (2002), Centre for the Study of Invention and Social Process, Goldsmiths College, London (2009; 2010-2012) and Instituto de Sociología, Pontificia, Universidad Católica de Chile (2015). 

I am member of the European Association for the Study of Science and Technology (EASST) & of the Society for Social Studies of Science (4S). As member of the Local Committee, I recently co-organised the 2016 EASST/4S Joint Conference in Barcelona.

In 2014, I received the Amsterdamska award from the European Association for the Study of Science and Technology for the book: “Disasters and Politics: Materials, Experiments and Preparedness” (Wiley/Blackwell, 2014), co-edited with Manuel Tironi and Michael Guggenheim. In 2018, I received the David Edge Prize from the Society for the Social Studies of Science (4S) for the article “Healing, Knowing, Enduring: Care and Politics in Damaged Worlds” published in The Sociological Review in 2017.

  • Social Movements
  • STS
  • Disasters


The relational, emotional and infrastructural work of older people in pandemic digital interventions

The relational, emotional and infrastructural work of older people in pandemic digital interventions

Comunicació del risc i ciutadania: la visió dels barris de ponent

Comunicació del risc i ciutadania: la visió dels barris de ponent

Essential workers balancing life and work during the COVID-19 syndemic in Spain: a qualitative and gender-based study

Essential workers balancing life and work during the COVID-19 syndemic in Spain: a qualitative and gender-based study

¿Para cuándo el diálogo interdisciplinar en la gestión de la sindemia de la COVID-19?

¿Para cuándo el diálogo interdisciplinar en la gestión de la sindemia de la COVID-19?

VINCLES en temps de pandèmia: entreteniment, connectivitat social i suport

VINCLES en temps de pandèmia: entreteniment, connectivitat social i suport

Children and Young People’s Participation in Disaster Risk Reduction: Agency and Resilience

Children and Young People’s Participation in Disaster Risk Reduction: Agency and Resilience

Concluding remarks: Reimagining children’s place in disaster risk management

Concluding remarks: Reimagining children’s place in disaster risk management

Building a framework for child-centred disaster risk management in Europe

Building a framework for child-centred disaster risk management in Europe

Children, participation and disasters in Europe: A poor record

Children, participation and disasters in Europe: A poor record

Introducing CUIDAR: A child-centred approach to disasters

Introducing CUIDAR: A child-centred approach to disasters

Incidents within Incidents: social perspectives on the global pandemic and wildfire

Incidents within Incidents: social perspectives on the global pandemic and wildfire

Coreografías del abandono: Cuidado y toxicidad en zonas de sacrificio

Coreografías del abandono: Cuidado y toxicidad en zonas de sacrificio

Participación pública en los proyectos de investigación: formas de crear conocimiento colectivo en salud.

Participación pública en los proyectos de investigación: formas de crear conocimiento colectivo en salud.

Can ANT be a form of activism?

Can ANT be a form of activism?

Reassembling activism, activating assemblages

Reassembling activism, activating assemblages

Down to Earth Social Movements: An Interview with Bruno Latour

Down to Earth Social Movements: An Interview with Bruno Latour

Reassembling activism, activating assemblages: an introduction

Reassembling activism, activating assemblages: an introduction

Healing, knowing, enduring: Care and politics in damaged worlds

Healing, knowing, enduring: Care and politics in damaged worlds

Caring through design? En torno a la silla and the “joint problem-making” of technical aids

Caring through design? En torno a la silla and the “joint problem-making” of technical aids

Care in the (critical) making? Prototyping as a radicalisation of independent living

Care in the (critical) making? Prototyping as a radicalisation of independent living

Birds as lines: The production of alternative regimes of environmental management in the aftermath of a toxic disaster

Birds as lines: The production of alternative regimes of environmental management in the aftermath of a toxic disaster

Creole Interferences: a conflicte over biodiversity and ownership in the South of Brazil

Creole Interferences: a conflicte over biodiversity and ownership in the South of Brazil

Disasters as meshworks: migratory birds and the enlivening of Doñana’s Toxic Spill

Disasters as meshworks: migratory birds and the enlivening of Doñana’s Toxic Spill

Disasters and Politics: materials, experiments and preparedness

Disasters and Politics: materials, experiments and preparedness



Internet Interdisciplinary Institute IN3 UOC

Av. Carl Friedrich Gauss, 5,
08060 Casteldefels, Barcelona, Spain
+34 934 50 52 00


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